I'm New
We understand that coming along to a new place for the first time can be a daunting prospect. If you are new to 'church' or thinking about joining us you would be most welcome. We hope that this page will help to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need to help you as you consider beginning your journey with us.
What are the most important things for a newcomer to remember?
A major part of our vision at Roots is about acknowledging the gifts and works of God in one another, so be yourself. You’ll be welcome if you have a deep Christian faith, or if you're just exploring what it means to know and follow Jesus. We try to recognise new faces - don't be surprised if somebody comes over and says 'hi'.
What does a general Roots café gathering look like?
We’re fairly flexible, so the pattern can change but we generally begin with a social time of fellowship, followed by a warm welcome and introduction from the host. We often make space for people to share a highlight of their week, or a struggle or big question they're wrestling with. This is followed by a short reflection about a Bible passage, followed by an opportunity for people to discuss it together, ask questions in response to what was shared, or have a time of non-intense creative response. Then we spend time praying for one another and for situations on our minds locally and globally, and we often end this time with praying the Lord's Prayer together in whatever version or language is closest to each person's heart.
Alongside our fortnightly café gatherings (usually on the first and third Thursday of each month, at 6pm), you are also very welcome to join in with our shared meal with bread & wine together, which normally takes place on the last Thursday of each month. It’s a bring-and-share, so feel free to cook/bake/buy something for people to try - maybe even a food that’s meaningful to you, or something from your culture, or a food that you find interesting or has a story! As well as eating together and reflecting on all that God has done for us, we often have a time of praying for one another and for situations that concern us in the community and in the world, and a reflection on a Bible passage with chance to discuss it together.
Does it cost anything to join in with any of the sessions or activities?
No. We cover the costs of refreshments and room hire etc, and you don’t have to give anything.
If you at any time would like to make a donation towards Roots, let us know and we'll give some details about how you can give - we're very grateful to those who are able to give.
What should I wear?
People come to Roots in all sorts of clothes. We don't have any kind of dress code, so feel free to wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
I’ve got small children. Help!
Children are very welcome to join our sessions. We don't have special groups for children or young people, but we have some toys and colouring bits for children to use during the sessions, and we often have all-age prayer/reflection times that they are very welcome to take part in. Teenagers and older children are more than welcome to join in with every part of the sessions. We expect young kids to make noise – so don't worry if your kids are enthusiastic or want to be noisy!
We're very informal in our approach to our gatherings, and recognise you might not be comfortable with everything – and that's absolutely fine. If you have any questions, please do ask us at any time.