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We are an intercultural worshipping community, licensed by Bishop Martyn Snow in the Diocese of Leicester, part of the Church of England.

If you want to explore following Jesus together and living in relationship with our Creator, you are so welcome at Roots. We are a ‘church’ but our services do not always look like regular church services. We have a focus on relationships, on supporting and encouraging one another, and on learning from each other, as well as praying and exploring the Bible together through different cultural lenses and diverse denominational traditions.

We believe that Jesus speaks to us today, and we are here to listen - through prayer, through the Bible, through creation, through dreams and visions, and through one another. We welcome seekers, sinners and saints from all backgrounds. We welcome the charismatic, the contemplative, the confused, the broken, the excited, the strong, the weak, the blessed, the angry, the exhausted, the questioning. Everyone carries baggage and pain of some kind or other - at Roots we choose to talk to one another with love and to treat each other with compassion, recognizing that our Saviour is at work in and through each one of us in many different ways, working to transform us and transform society.

We see diversity as a great gift - diversity of culture and ethnicity, of theology and worldview, of denomination and tradition, of age and perspective. So in this space people will not necessarily look like you or think like you - learning from some of these differences is how we grow together in Christ. You may meet people who disagree with you on important topics, or whose perspectives you find difficult. This is not an easy journey. But at Roots we choose to be intentionally curious, to sit with the discomfort in moments when disagreement is uncomfortable, and to learn to see God in one another even when we disagree. We honour one another by choosing to stay curious about each other even when it’s hard, so that we all might grow.

Get in touch with us if you’d like to know more! We’d love to meet you and find out what God is doing in your life.

Roots Vision
Roots Values

© Roots IWC 2024 website by CWS