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Thanks for thinking of donating to the life and ministry of Roots!

Generosity is also one of our core values, in response to God’s extravagant generosity towards us. We are generous towards one another with our stories, our skills, our knowledge, our time, our wisdom – God has given us all diverse and wonderful gifts, and as we grow in faith it’s wonderful to be able to celebrate those and share them with one another! It is a joyful thing to be able to share generously of our resources too, both physical (such as opening our homes, sharing food together, offering lifts to one another etc.) and financial too, to help with the costs of meeting together and of other areas of Roots ministry.

Of course, everyone is in different financial situations and we don’t want to assume that everyone is able or willing to share financially with Roots. There is certainly no obligation or expectation for people to give money. But for those that would like to support with the costs of living out the Roots vision, thank you! Your generosity is immensely valued and appreciated by Roots, and of course noticed by God too.

If you’d like to give a one-off donation of any chosen amount towards the running costs of Roots, in response to God’s extraordinary generosity towards us, then you’re more than welcome to do so via this quick and easy-to-access online Sumup donation link - click here.

Or to donate via bank transfer, you can use these details, with the reference ROOTS IWC:

- Account Name: Leicester Diocesan Board of Finance

- Sort Code: 20-49-37

- Account Number: 9057 7103

- Reference: ROOTS IWC.

If you'd like to set up regular giving to Roots, you can do so via the Parish Giving Scheme here - and you can Gift-aid it if you're a UK taxpayer too! Let me know if you'd prefer to fill in a paper form to set up regular giving, and I can get one of those to you. (When setting up regular giving through the PGS, please either let me know - no need to mention the amount - or let someone in the Diocese know, so that the finance team can set aside your donations for Roots rather than other Diocesan activity.)

Or let us know if you'd like to make a donation via our contactless card reader.

If you’d rather give a different way, please contact us and we can explore what other options would best suit you. Thanks!

© Roots IWC 2024 website by CWS