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Friday 16th Aug 2024, 9:00am

Friday 16th August is set aside as a day for prayer for the Roots community and things on people's hearts and minds. There are many profoundly stressful situations, health issues and life difficulties, as well as situations locally and globally on people's hearts at the moment  - we will dedicate this day to talking with God about these things and interceding for each other.

On this day we will fast (each person can decide how they would like to do this - fasting from food or hot drinks or sweet things or social media or something else) and commit to praying for one another and for situations we are particularly concerned about.

Prayer requests and prayer resources will be circulated so that people can engage with this from their own homes. Everyone in the Roots community will be encouraged to set aside an hour at some point during this day intentionally to pray.

There will also be opportunity to gather together to pray - get in touch to find out the time and location of this if you aren't on the WhatsApp group - and opportunity for 1-1 prayer ministry for anyone who would like it.

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